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12 Shows

12 Shows entire project started with a blog post.

I had got out of a valuable habit of making small experiments, and had only been working on things I viewed as low-risk.

This was partly because of the pandemic making such experimentation difficult (though I was fortunate enough to still have some space for that), but also because the amount of time required to make a piece of the quality I can achieve nowadays makes it very difficult to take a risk without the cost of time that might be otherwise used for applications, networking, writing, preparing, and other such tasks.

But 12 Shows ended up being something of a success: 12 small, one-off experiments across 2023.

From intimate interactive shows that became residencies to explorations of interactive horror, Leo Doulton's Birthday Funeral to the possibly unique Show For A Sheep, I feel like I learnt a great deal from these tests, and was able to push my practice forwards - especially around its relationship to audience.

You can read blogs about all the projects here.

Or find out more about each show here.

January: Show For A Sheep

March: 12-Handed Monopoly

May: Sit In Silence, See What Happens

May: Paradise Craved

August: Leo Doulton’s Birthday Funeral

October: Paradise Lost (Reading)

October: A Scary Place To Exist

November: Pining Princes & Pouting Princesses

December: Declaration of Performance

December: Unwanted Theatre

December: A Rite of Midwinter

December: Gentle Livestreams

My only regret is that I did not take more photographs along the way. But perhaps that is because my fondness for words as a means of recording mean that I preferred to let the live experience speak to those who were there.

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